Home Name Document Number Document Type Map Recording Date Book and Page Predefined Search Options Grantor/Grantee Search The San Mateo County Clerk-Recorder's Office is pleased to offer the Grantor/Grantee index for online searches of property documents recorded since 1985. The documents are public records and are available in the County Clerk-Recorder's office during normal business hours. Documents may be viewed free of charge or copied at a cost at our County Clerk-Recorder's Office located at 555 County Center, Redwood City, CA 94063-1665. Tel. number: (650) 363-4500. We hope these services help you in your search. Sincerely, Mark Church Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder & Chief Elections Officer, County of San Mateo Online information is for reference only. The San Mateo Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder's Office presents the information on this Web site as a service to the public. We have tried to ensure that the information in this electronic document is accurate. The Recorder's Office makes no warranty or guarantee concerning the accuracy or reliability of the content at this site or at other sites to which we link. Assessing accuracy and reliability of information is the responsibility of the user. The Recorder's Office shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for any damages in connection with the use of the information contained herein. Search by Name All Grantor Grantee Please enter Person's LAST Name [space] FIRST Name(ex. smith allison) or fraction there of (ie. smith a) or enter Business Name Allow Partial Match MM/DD/YYYY MM/DD/YYYY Search To view a record, click on the document number. To search enter the full document number starting with the 4 digit year. To search documents older than 1982, you may leave the first part of the document number blank. Insert a Start Date and an End Date and select a document type to conduct a search. Insert a Start Date and an End Date and select a document type to conduct a search. Insert a Start and an End Date to conduct a search. To search enter the 9 digit parcel number without dashes. Insert a start date and select a document type to conduct a search. To search for all records under a specific name: Click on any document number containing the name of the desired person. Once the document page opens, click on the desired name from the left-hand menu. All documents tied to that person will then be listed by Document Type and Recording Date from 1985 to present. Search results will contain records matching your criteria. If your search results are high, change your search criteria and try again If you would like to purchase a record, select an item and click "Add to Shopping Cart". Search By Document Number Document Numbers Search To view a record, click on the document number. To search enter the full document number starting with the 4 digit year. To search documents older than 1982, you may leave the first part of the document number blank. Insert a Start Date and an End Date and select a document type to conduct a search. Insert a Start Date and an End Date and select a document type to conduct a search. Insert a Start and an End Date to conduct a search. To search enter the 9 digit parcel number without dashes. Insert a start date and select a document type to conduct a search. To search for all records under a specific name: Click on any document number containing the name of the desired person. Once the document page opens, click on the desired name from the left-hand menu. All documents tied to that person will then be listed by Document Type and Recording Date from 1985 to present. Search results will contain records matching your criteria. If your search results are high, change your search criteria and try again If you would like to purchase a record, select an item and click "Add to Shopping Cart". Search By Book and Page Search To view a record, click on the document number. To search enter the full document number starting with the 4 digit year. To search documents older than 1982, you may leave the first part of the document number blank. Insert a Start Date and an End Date and select a document type to conduct a search. Insert a Start Date and an End Date and select a document type to conduct a search. Insert a Start and an End Date to conduct a search. To search enter the 9 digit parcel number without dashes. Insert a start date and select a document type to conduct a search. To search for all records under a specific name: Click on any document number containing the name of the desired person. Once the document page opens, click on the desired name from the left-hand menu. All documents tied to that person will then be listed by Document Type and Recording Date from 1985 to present. Search results will contain records matching your criteria. If your search results are high, change your search criteria and try again If you would like to purchase a record, select an item and click "Add to Shopping Cart". Search by Recording Date MM/DD/YYYY MM/DD/YYYY Search To view a record, click on the document number. To search enter the full document number starting with the 4 digit year. To search documents older than 1982, you may leave the first part of the document number blank. Insert a Start Date and an End Date and select a document type to conduct a search. Insert a Start Date and an End Date and select a document type to conduct a search. Insert a Start and an End Date to conduct a search. To search enter the 9 digit parcel number without dashes. Insert a start date and select a document type to conduct a search. To search for all records under a specific name: Click on any document number containing the name of the desired person. Once the document page opens, click on the desired name from the left-hand menu. All documents tied to that person will then be listed by Document Type and Recording Date from 1985 to present. Search results will contain records matching your criteria. If your search results are high, change your search criteria and try again If you would like to purchase a record, select an item and click "Add to Shopping Cart". Search By Document Type MM/DD/YYYY MM/DD/YYYY Document Types ABANDONMENT OF HOMESTEAD ABANDONMNT CEMETRY ABANDONMNT RGHT ACCEPT IRREV OFFR DEDIC ABSTRACT OF JUDGEMENT (WITH PROOF OF SER ABSTRACT OF JUDGEMENT (WITHOUT PROOF OF ACKNOWLDGMNT SATISIFACTION JDGMT AFDVT REAL PRPO OF SMALL VALUE AFFIDAVIT LACK KNOW TERM REV PWR ATTY AFFIDAVIT OF DEATH AFFIDAVIT OF ESTATE >100,000 AFFIDAVIT OF IDENTITY AFFIDAVIT OF SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE AGGREEMENT FOR SUBORDTN OF LIEN AGREEMENT AGREEMENT FOR SALE AGREEMENT TO REDUCE AIRCRAFT NOISE AMEND TO ABSTRACT OF JUDGEMENT AMEND TO NTC OF SPECL TAX LIEN AMENDED BYLAWS AMENDMENT AMENDMENT OF DEED OF TRUST APPLIC FOR & RENEWAL OF JDGMT APPTMNT OF EXECTR BY COURT ORD ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION ASSESSMENT DISTRICT MAP ASSIGNMENT ASSIGNMENT OF DEED OF TRUST ASSIGNMENT OF LEASE ASSUMPTION AGREEMENT AWARD OF ARBITRATION BILL OF SALE-TIMBER, WINES BOND FOR LOST DEED OF TRUST BOND FOR PROCESS SERVER BOND LOST DEED OF TRUST BUILDING CONTRACT CANC OF RELEASE OF FED TX LIEN CANCEL OF NTC OF PWR TO SELL CANCEL OF REQ FOR NTC OF DEFLT CANCELLATION OF LAND CONTRACT CANCELLATION OF NOTARY BOND CANCELLATION OF RESCSSN OF NTC CEMETERY MAP CERT OF COMPLETION LAFCO CERT OF DELINQ OF PERS PROP TX CERT OF DELINQUENCY WATER CHGS CERT OF LIEN UNINSURED EMPLOYR CERT OF LIMITED PARTNERSHIP CERT OF NON-ATTACH FED TX LIEN CERT OF OCCUPANCY-MOBILE HOME CERT OF REDEMPTION WATER DISTR CERT OF RELEASE OF FED TX LIEN CERT OF UNPAID CHARGES IRRGTN DIST CERT REL INHERITANCE TAX LIEN CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY CERTIFICATE OF BANK MERGER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETN-LAFCO CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE OF CONVERSION CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION-MAP CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION CERTIFICATE OF MERGER - CORP - LLC CERTIFICATE OF REDEMPTION CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE OF SALE CERTIFICATE OF TAX CERTIFICATION OF TRUSTEE CONDOMINIUM PLAN CONSENT TO REMOVE PERSL PROP CONSERVATION EASEMENT CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT COURT ORDER DEC CHANGING JNT TEN TO COMM PROP DEC OF SERVANCE OF JNT TENANCY DECLAR FOR LOST DEED OF TRUST DECLARATION DECLARATION COVN, COND & RESTR DECLARATION FOR JUSTIFICATION OF BAIL DECLARATION OF HOMESTEAD DECLARATION OF TRUST DECLR OF DEDICATION-CEMETERY DECREE OF DISTRIBUTION DECREE TERM LIFE ESTATE DEDICATION OFFER OF STREET, ETC DEED DEED IN LIEU OF FORECLOSURE DEED OF TRUST DELETED - REQUEST FOR DISMISSAL DELINQUENT TAX NOTICE DISCLAIMER DISCLAIMER OF INTEREST DIVORCE DECREE EASEMENT ENVIRONMENTAL FEE FICTITIOUS DEED OF TRUST FINANCING STATEMENT - CERTIFICATE OF SEARCHES FINANCING STATEMENT -- U.C.C.1 FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT -- NON STANDARD FINANCING STATEMENT ASSIGNMENT FINANCING STATEMENT ASSIGNMENT -- NON STANDARD FINANCING STATEMENT CONTINUATION FINANCING STATEMENT CONTINUATION -- NON STANDARD FINANCING STATEMENT RELEASE FINANCING STATEMENT RELEASE - NON STANDARD FINANCING STATEMENT TERMINATION FINANCING STATEMENT TERMINATION -- NON STANDARD FINANCING STATEMENT-NON STANDARD FORECLOSURE COMMISSIONER DESIGNATION GOVERNMENT BIRTH CERTIFICATE GRANT OF LIEN HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES CERTIFICATE AND IDE HISTORIC PROPERTY CONTRACT HISTORICAL RESOURCES DESIGNATION IRREVOCABLE OFFER OF DEDICATION JOINT VENTURE STATEMENT JUDGEMENT JUDGEMENT OF SUPPORT OR ABSTRACT OF JS LAND CONTRACT LEASE LEGAL DOCUMENT ASSIST BOND LEGAL FILING LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION LETTERS OF CONSERVATORSHIP LETTERS OF GUARDIANSHIP LETTERS TESTAMENTARY LIC FOR DIVERSION & USE-WATER LIEN LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANIES - ARTICLES O LLC ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT MECHANIC'S LIEN MEMORANDUM OF LEASE MEMORANDUM OF TRUST MODIFICATION OF TRUST MODIFICATION TO DEED OF TRUST MORTGAGE NON-DISTURBANCE AGREEMENT CAMP NOTARY BOND NOTCE OF ABATEMENT LIEN NOTICE NOTICE - OLD CODE NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT-DISTRICT NOTICE OF ATTACHMENT NOTICE OF BULK SALE NOTICE OF CANCELLATION - VETERANS CONTRA NOTICE OF CESSATION NOTICE OF CLAIM OF PVT EASEMNT NOTICE OF COMPLETION NOTICE OF CONSENT TO USE LAND NOTICE OF CONSERVATION EASEMENT NOTICE OF COUNTY LIEN NOTICE OF DEFAULT NOTICE OF FEDERAL TAX LIEN NOTICE OF INTENT TO PRSRV EASE NOTICE OF LEVY NOTICE OF LIEN - SEISMIC BLDG HAZARD NOTICE OF LIEN FOR POSTPONED PROPERTY TA NOTICE OF LIEN LIFE CARE PROVR NOTICE OF MERGER NOTICE OF NON-RESPONSIBLITY NOTICE OF NONACCEPT OF RECORDED DEED NOTICE OF NONRENEWAL NOTICE OF RESCISSION NOTICE OF RESCISSION OF TRUSTEE'S DEED NOTICE OF SPECIAL TAX LIEN NOTICE OF STATE TAX LIEN NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE NOTICE OF VIOLATION NOTICE OF ZONING VIOLATION NTC ABATEMNT SEISMIC BLDG HZRD NTC GOVT RESTRC TO OWNER NTC INTENT PRESERVE EASEMENT NTC INTERST BY DEC SPOUSE OR BY WILL NTC OF ASSMT HOMEOWNER'S ASSOC NTC OF BUILDING VIOLATION NTC OF CANCEL OF SPEC TAX LIEN NTC OF COMPLIANCE-SUBSTND BLDG NTC OF EXTN OF MECHANIC'S LIEN NTC OF INTD TRSFR OF A/B LICNS NTC OF INTENDED SALE & LEASEBK NTC OF INTENT TO PRESRV MNRL RT NTC OF LIEN WATER POLLTN CLEAN NTC OF MOBILEHOME INSTALL FNDATION NTC OF NONCOMPLIANCE-SUB BLDG NTC OF PENDING ACTION - LIS PENDENS NTC OF PWR TO SELL TX DEFLT PR NTC OF RESCN OF FORECLOSR DEED NTC OF SALE OF ALCHL/BEVG CORP NTC OF WITHDRAWAL OF NON RENEWL NTC TO INTENT TO PRESERVE INTR NTC WITHDRAWAL OF LIS PENDENS OFFICIAL BOND OFFICIAL MAP (PARCEL MAP) OPTION TO PURCHASE ORDER APPNT RECVR SEISMIC HAZARD ORDER EXONERATING PROPERTY BND ORDER OF CONDEMNATION ORDER REVOKING WATER LICENSE PARTIAL RECONVEYANCE PARTIAL RELEASE OF LIEN PARTNERSHIP CERT OF LIMITED PAYMENT OF CONTRACTUAL ASSESSMENT REQUIRED PERFORMANCE BOND PERMIT POWER OF ATTORNEY-RECORDED PRENUPTIAL AGREEMENT PROCESS SERVER & PHOTO COPIER BOND PROCESS SERVER BOND PROP SETTLE AGREE QUITCLAIM DEEDS RECONVEYANCE RECORD OF SURVEY REDEVEL PLN AMEND RELEASE RELEASE FROM JUDGEMENT LIEN RELEASE OF ASSESSMENT LIEN RELEASE OF ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS RELEASE OF LESSEE'S INTEREST RELEASE OF LIEN RELEASE OF LIEN BY STATE/COUNTY RELEASE OF LIEN FOR POSTPONED PROPERTY T RELEASE OF LIEN NONRESIDENT RELEASE OF MECH LIEN BY COURT RELEASE OF MECHANIC'S LIEN RELEASE OF MORTGAGE RELEASE OF OBLIGATION UNDER DEED OF TRUS RELINQUISHMENT OF EASEMENT RELSE OF EQUITY & NTC OF CONV REMOVAL OF INVALID LIEN REPORT OF FOREIGN BIRTH REPORT OF FOREIGN DEATH REQ FOR COPY OF NTC OF DEFAULT REQ FOR NOTICE OF DELINQUENCY REQUEST FOR NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S DEED RESC OF NTC OF PWR TO SELL RESCISSION RESCISSION OF DECLR OF RESTR RESCISSION OF DEED RESCSS OF DEED OF RECONVEYANCE RESIGNATION OF TRUSTEE RESOLUTIONS RESTRICTIVE COVENANT MODIFICATION REVOC CERT OF REL FED TAX LIEN REVOCATION OF DEED REVOCATION OF DEED REVOCATION OF POWER OF ATTORNEY REVOCATION OF TRANSFER OF DEATH DEED RIGHT OF REDEMPTION RELEASE SEARCH & COPY SERVICES SEISMIC HAZARD ZONE MAP STATE HIGHWAY MAP STMENT OF GENERAL PARTNERSHIP SUBDIV MAP SUBDIVISION MAP SUBORD AGREE PROP TAX POST SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT SUBORDINATION DEED OF TRUST SUBORDINATION OF JUDGEMENT LIEN SUBST OF PAYEE FAM SUPP SUBSTITUTION OF TRUSTEE SURETY BOND SURETY BOND - RELEASE OF LIEN TAX DEED TO PURCH OF TX DEFLTD Temp Pre-1985 TERMINATION OF C C &R TRANSFER OF DEATH DEED TRUSTEE'S DEED TWENTY DAY PRELIMINARY NOTICE UCC MULTI TITLE UCC RECORDING - LEGAL SIZE OR LESS UCC RECORDING - LETTER SIZE UNKNOWN UNLAWFUL DETAIN ASSIST BOND UNUSED DOCUMENT NUMBER UNUSED MAP NUMBER VOLUNTARY PETITN IN BANKRUPTCY WAIVER WATER RIGHTS PROCEEDING WILLIAMSON ACT LAND CONTRACT WITHDRAWAL OF FILED NOTICE OF FEDERAL TAX LIEN Search To view a record, click on the document number. To search enter the full document number starting with the 4 digit year. To search documents older than 1982, you may leave the first part of the document number blank. Insert a Start Date and an End Date and select a document type to conduct a search. Insert a Start Date and an End Date and select a document type to conduct a search. Insert a Start and an End Date to conduct a search. To search enter the 9 digit parcel number without dashes. Insert a start date and select a document type to conduct a search. To search for all records under a specific name: Click on any document number containing the name of the desired person. Once the document page opens, click on the desired name from the left-hand menu. All documents tied to that person will then be listed by Document Type and Recording Date from 1985 to present. Search results will contain records matching your criteria. If your search results are high, change your search criteria and try again If you would like to purchase a record, select an item and click "Add to Shopping Cart". Search By Map MM/DD/YYYY MM/DD/YYYY Document Types ASSESSMENT DISTRICT MAP CEMETERY MAP CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION-MAP OFFICIAL MAP (PARCEL MAP) RECORD OF SURVEY SEISMIC HAZARD ZONE MAP STATE HIGHWAY MAP SUBDIV MAP SUBDIVISION MAP UNUSED MAP NUMBER Search To view a record, click on the document number. To search enter the full document number starting with the 4 digit year. To search documents older than 1982, you may leave the first part of the document number blank. Insert a Start Date and an End Date and select a document type to conduct a search. Insert a Start Date and an End Date and select a document type to conduct a search. Insert a Start and an End Date to conduct a search. To search enter the 9 digit parcel number without dashes. Insert a start date and select a document type to conduct a search. To search for all records under a specific name: Click on any document number containing the name of the desired person. Once the document page opens, click on the desired name from the left-hand menu. All documents tied to that person will then be listed by Document Type and Recording Date from 1985 to present. Search results will contain records matching your criteria. If your search results are high, change your search criteria and try again If you would like to purchase a record, select an item and click "Add to Shopping Cart". Step #1 - Search Index Books Display Index Step #2 - Search Index Books Display Fiche Cell - Search Document Display Document Search By Document Number Document Numbers From*: YYYY - NNNNNN To: YYYY - NNNNNN Clear fields Search To view a record, click on the document number. To search enter the full document number starting with the 4 digit year. To search documents older than 1982, you may leave the first part of the document number blank. Insert a Start Date and an End Date and select a document type to conduct a search. Insert a Start Date and an End Date and select a document type to conduct a search. Insert a Start and an End Date to conduct a search. To search enter the 9 digit parcel number without dashes. Insert a start date and select a document type to conduct a search. To search for all records under a specific name: Click on any document number containing the name of the desired person. Once the document page opens, click on the desired name from the left-hand menu. All documents tied to that person will then be listed by Document Type and Recording Date from 1985 to present. Search results will contain records matching your criteria. If your search results are high, change your search criteria and try again If you would like to purchase a record, select an item and click "Add to Shopping Cart". Predefined Search MM/DD/YYYY MM/DD/YYYY Predefined Search Types* 1. This search is for liens-state, federal, abstract of judgment. 2. This search is for Notice of Default, Trustees Deed, Notice of Bulk Sale, and Notice of Trustee. 3. Change in Ownership #1 4. Change in Ownership #2 5. Change in Ownership #3 Search To view a record, click on the document number. To search enter the full document number starting with the 4 digit year. To search documents older than 1982, you may leave the first part of the document number blank. Insert a Start Date and an End Date and select a document type to conduct a search. Insert a Start Date and an End Date and select a document type to conduct a search. Insert a Start and an End Date to conduct a search. To search enter the 9 digit parcel number without dashes. Insert a start date and select a document type to conduct a search. To search for all records under a specific name: Click on any document number containing the name of the desired person. Once the document page opens, click on the desired name from the left-hand menu. All documents tied to that person will then be listed by Document Type and Recording Date from 1985 to present. Search results will contain records matching your criteria. If your search results are high, change your search criteria and try again If you would like to purchase a record, select an item and click "Add to Shopping Cart". Search by (APN) Assessor Parcel Number Search To view a record, click on the document number. To search enter the full document number starting with the 4 digit year. To search documents older than 1982, you may leave the first part of the document number blank. Insert a Start Date and an End Date and select a document type to conduct a search. Insert a Start Date and an End Date and select a document type to conduct a search. Insert a Start and an End Date to conduct a search. To search enter the 9 digit parcel number without dashes. Insert a start date and select a document type to conduct a search. To search for all records under a specific name: Click on any document number containing the name of the desired person. Once the document page opens, click on the desired name from the left-hand menu. All documents tied to that person will then be listed by Document Type and Recording Date from 1985 to present. Search results will contain records matching your criteria. If your search results are high, change your search criteria and try again If you would like to purchase a record, select an item and click "Add to Shopping Cart". Search by Legal Description Search To view a record, click on the document number. To search enter the full document number starting with the 4 digit year. To search documents older than 1982, you may leave the first part of the document number blank. Insert a Start Date and an End Date and select a document type to conduct a search. Insert a Start Date and an End Date and select a document type to conduct a search. Insert a Start and an End Date to conduct a search. To search enter the 9 digit parcel number without dashes. Insert a start date and select a document type to conduct a search. To search for all records under a specific name: Click on any document number containing the name of the desired person. Once the document page opens, click on the desired name from the left-hand menu. All documents tied to that person will then be listed by Document Type and Recording Date from 1985 to present. Search results will contain records matching your criteria. If your search results are high, change your search criteria and try again If you would like to purchase a record, select an item and click "Add to Shopping Cart". Options (only for Search Results) 10 items per page 20 items per page 50 items per page 100 items per page Show result in Regular Format Paragraph Format Combined Format Show Short Description This change will have effect after refreshing the web site. Pushing Apply button will automatically refresh the web site and navigate you to the Home page. Show All Name Combinations in "Search By Name" Ok Apply Cancel